In the era of passive income and cryptocurrency. If you have a computer at home with an internet connection then you earn extra cash for yourself pretty easily. You could be streaming your favorite movies and still earn money on the side. The same is the case with mining. You have to live under a rock if you don’t know what it is all about.
If you don’t have a clear idea then let us break it down for you in simpler words. What it does is, validates your transaction that is going on at the moment. You mine the coins in a loop. If you are a miner, then you are required to solve some very difficult math problems to process the transactions.
The whole process involves a miner exchanging their power, electricity, and the energy of hardware for the reward of a block. Said reward is sort of an incentive for the miner so that it can help in sustaining the technology of blockchain.
Some major platforms make the whole process incredibly easy. We will be discussing those platforms shortly. However, before we jump right into it, make sure that you have the right internet connection for it.
What Kind of Internet do You Need for Mining?
One question that people popularly ask is what kind of internet do we need for mining? Let’s talk about those requirements quickly. Of course, to successfully mine and sync data on time, you need good strength in connection and large bandwidth.
If you are wondering which company is best suited for crypto mining, then we suggest you check out Spectrum and its internet plans and packages. It will not only allow you to download the following sites successfully but also use them efficiently.
So, before you dip your toes in the pool of bitcoin and mining, get yourself a stable internet connection to maximize your chance of getting the reward.
Keeping that in view, let’s move forward and talk about some of the best mining sites of 2023.
1. Ecos
When it comes to crypto investment platforms Ecos truly comes on the top, it is pretty hard to beat Ecos. Don’t just believe in our words, once you see their breadth in a domain, you would be saying the same thing. Moreover, Ecos come with so many features and including cryptocurrency wallets, exchange, cloud mining contracts, and crypto portfolios for investors.
One of the things that we like the most about it is that it has a very user-friendly mobile app that is available on both platforms used for the installation of apps.
The only thing that might put you off is that their contract only supports Bitcoin mining. This means that you are allowed to create a contract that may range from seventy-five dollars to five thousand dollars. However, it is valid for fifteen months to fifty months. Which if you ask if a really good duration.
The main thing that jumps out the most about the Ecos platform is that they offer you a contract for thirty days for cloud mining and that too without any cost so that you can see if it suits you or not. This is not something you typically get from other platforms.
2. Shamining
As the name already suggests, Shamining is a cloud mining platform where the process is somewhat similar to others. This means it comprises registration, contract, and mining.
Do you want to know the best part of it? The amount you mined with your hash rate does not matter when it comes to paying. You still get paid daily. It requires a deposit of a minimum of $150. In addition to this, Shamining predominantly supports Bitcoin mining. So, if you plan to mine any other cryptocurrency other than BTC, then you might want to check out other platforms.
3. Awesome Miner
One of the other sites that we love when it comes to cloud mining is Awesome Miner. It is very similar to some of the other sites in a way that it is a mining management utility for Windows and Linux users.
You can use it for free but only for the first two miners. After this, you have to get its plans that require payments. It starts from four US dollars per month.
It also has a cloud subscription that offers mining management from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and you are good to go. It is considered a very credible option for massive forms of mining.
4. Hashlists
Another incredible mining site; Hashlists is a place where you can purchase plans or packages for mining and then you can observe the earnings that come from said mining grows in your wallet. It supports multiple cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Filecoin, ETH, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and some more. Moreover, you don’t even have to get costly hardware for it.
The earnings are always deposited in the wallet every day. This means you don’t have to wait for the end of the contract to get the said earnings. In addition to this, it allows you to withdraw a minimum amount of a hundred bucks and it will be processed within sixty minutes.
The best part is you are not charged any fees related to management or electricity.
Final Thoughts
Cloud mining has gained massive attention in the past few years. It lets you mine BTC and many other cryptocurrencies by simply using an internet connection. If you are thinking of hopping on the bandwagon then we suggest you check out the cloud mining sites mentioned in this article so that you can have a smooth and enjoyable experience.
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