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We are excited to introduce Forex Tester 4, a powerful new way to get more from backtesting and Forex trading as a result.
Finally, Forex Tester 4 is ready to use: with dozens of new features and loaded with 800+ new symbols!
Enjoy the new level of backtesting with the historical news service, money management features, Visual Strategy Builder and many other useful settings.
Key Features
- Broker’s commissions added to every trade
Now you can simulate any spread and commission from your broker with a few clicks.
- Risks calculations
With Forex Tester 4, you don’t need to calculate a secure lot size by yourself. The program will do it for you in 1 click!
- Crosshair upgrade
In Forex Tester 4, the work of this tool was greatly improved. Now you can learn more data with its help!
How it Works
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What Users of Forex Tester Simulator are Saying
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On April, 16 I finally purchased the Forex Tester program after a long period of thinking about it. Now, 4 months later, I’ve created my own trading strategy with the help of this program which provides me with a not bad income on Forex market. I’m constantly testing new strategies that are being improved while testing. Thanks to all developers of this amazing program!!!!!
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“A MUST-have tool. As a price-reading enthusiast, Forextester has immensely help cut down on my learning curve. I have found no other program that can actually do what this one does – and believe me, I have looked. Easy to install and use. Plus, customer support is the best!”
Scott. F
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Forex Tester has helped me a lot to improve the results of my trading; I became more confident in the chosen and tested trading strategy; also I got an excellent possibility to check the new trading ideas quickly and qualitatively.
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“Soy Economista y llevo algunos meses capacitándome para desempeñarme como Trader Intradía. He seguido las recomendaciones de varios de los más reconocidos Traders que son seguidos por cientos de personas en sus webinars diarios y me llamó la atención que “todos” coinciden en los mismo: Utilizar Forex Tester para los cientos de horas y las miles de operaciones de práctica y testeo de estrategias. Es el software que recomiendan los expertos y lo denominan software de simulación profesional. Por lo anterior he comprado Forex Tester después de haber probado la versión demo por unos días. Debido a que me estoy entrenando para ser scalper, requería de una data de muy buena calidad y en Forex Tester la he encontrado. Son años y años de data de alta calidad, de 1 minuto con sus ticks. Adicionalmente, desde que ingresé a la página web, he sido tratado con toda eficiencia y amabilidad, en mi idioma (español). Sé que con Forex Tester lograré mis objetivos. Gracias por este dedicado trabajo.”
José Fernando Ramírez Villegas
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Hello! Thank you for the Forex Tester program. I haven’t regretted the purchasing of it even for a moment. It helps me in developing trading strategies. With Forex Tester it is much faster to learn trading.
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